Sunday, July 8, 2018

Clash of Clans (COC) APK Latest v9.105.9 Download for Android Added on Nov 14, 2016

 Clash of Clans is an online multiplayer game, which holds million users around the world. In this game, you can build your own army and fight with other players to get rewards. In this game your opponents are other players which are also attacking your players to get more point than you. The leader-board will automatically add your scores, rewards and show the numbers to exchange these rewards for getting best outfits and skills to your players.
The game first launched in 2012 and released different updates and version from time to time. These updates never effect game performance and added more users to the network of COC. In facebook and other social media platforms, the game is popular and opposing other games as well. You can choose single and multiplayer options to play the game on your android mobiles. All the features are free to exercise on your phone, except some features which need your real money to get. These features are important for higher level. We will disclose all the features on the post, that will give the best game experience on your mobile phone.  
The first thing you need to do is to build your own army to attack on your opponents. The other players are your opponents and you need to destroy them or eliminate them from the game to get best achievements. Perhaps these achievements will helpful for getting the best skills and powers. You also need to defend your own houses and area and fight back to free the land for your own army. The games fighting features will give you the power to beat your rivals without going long battle.
In Clash of Clans game, you can prepare your community and train in multi-talent fighting skills and start destroying the enemies. Once you will eliminate these greedy enemies, you will be rewarding the gold storage and elixir collectors and storage. These storage and collector will be giving you the best protecting shield for your players and best skills of the battle and these skills will helpful to eliminate the other players without wasting a single movement. If you want to destroy the enemies in larger scale, then you need to fight the first rounds with your full confidence.
When you will discover larger scale area, then you can discover more community players for fighting. Just preparing the community is not a winning tactic, therefore, it your deputy to make them as soldier. You can train these communities and make a soldier troop to fight in high-level because you need to conquer villages and towns in the game. These towns will give you the higher reputation in playing.
We have discussed that you can earn Gold and elixir in this game. The gold will helpful to build defensive buildings to access the town hall. The town hall will helpful to get access more buildings in the game. You can use these buildings for attacking and defensive purpose. Elixir will use to train new troops through laboratories and prepare your troops to upgrade your buildings and town halls. When you will be higher stages in the game, then you will allow to access dark elixir which help you to build new horses, dark inferno and dark spells to boost your player’s powers and defensive strategies.
There are different stages available in the game. At initial level, you can choose which option will helpful to apply on your phone. In different stages, you can unfold different buildings and features to explore more players. These stuffs including cannons, mortars, bombs, teslas, traps, archer towers, wizard towers, inferno towers and eagle artillery and many more. You can also upgrade these buildings and troops walls for safety.
There are two kinds of barracks and two kinds of spells factory offered in the games Clash of Clans. The barracks helpful to create troops and the normal spells factory creates supper spells with help of elixiAsides from the above achievements, you can earn gems and coins in the game. We have discussed in Subway SurfersCut the Rope and Criminal Case about the use of these gems and coins using to work faster than a normal way. You can also upgrade to these troop to build wall quickly.
In the game, you can also reveal clan wars. Clan wars are group of player that will join your team to support you. These clans will helpful to build clan castles and special buildings. This is not only on your side, the other side also using all these tactics to beat you on the ground. They are also preparing troops, builds high defensive walls and buildings. You need to be more careful to play the game on your smart phones.
There are also multiple features are available in the game. You can unfold all these features after installing Clash of Clans APK file from the link below and launch on your smart phones. We are only installing the game APK in the post. The Clash of Clans APK is free to download. You don’t need to pay any amount to anyone for installing the APK file on your android mobiles and tablets. Just Download Clash of Clans APK from the link below and enjoy playing the game on your smart phones.
Clash of Clans (COC)
165 Installs

Subway Surfers APK Latest v1.74.0 Download for Android Added on Oct 22, 2016

  Run fast as you can and present yourself as hero in Subway Surfers APK an Android Arcade Game. You can find the latest Android Package Kit (APK) from the link below. The latest version 1.61.0 (100) comes with multiple features and important updates. Install Subway Surfers APK and launch on your android mobiles and tablets.
Subway Surfers is compatible for android mobiles and tablets, but you need your android operating system 4.0 and 4.0.2 and up to use all features of the game. The game has multi-million fan following and growing day by day. All these fans have been satisfied with this game performance and showing their interest on the game.
Once you have installed the games on your mobile phone, you don’t need to go through a long process to start playing. It is easy and simple game among other Android Games. If you’re thinking that, you will face any difficulty while playing your first level, then we are here to share some important features to put you in comfort zone.
The game is about to travel around the globe and secure lives of people whenever you see people are trouble in the road or in the streets sides. The game turns you as normal person to a hero and you will be awarded with coins, luxurious and gifts. These coins help you to buy more interesting stuff for your hero. To get these coins and luxuries gifts, it is necessary to help people whenever you see them in trouble.
Start exploring the world, but it is not an easy task. In this game, you can face different cruel forces and intelligent officers which are against your way. You need to take care of yourself and save yourself and then go to save people those are under threats. These actions will give you reward and theses reward help you to get more power for the game.
All the forces which are holding killer dogs will always keep eyes on your moves and tours. They want to kick back to you the station where you have started your journey, but you need to be more careful and save your hero and take safe passage to reach next station. This will make you the real hero and your dream will come true to complete your tour around the world.
In the new version, you can visit and race in the most favorite cities of Japan and you can easily change your dress and your racing points as per the road and street situation. These new addition makes the game perfect. 
You can select different outfits to your surfers, it’s up to you which one is your favorite outfit and how you considered new dresses to move bitterly. Your coins and other rewards help you to purchase new outfits and purchase some more interesting stuff.
The total size of the Android Package Kit is 59 MB and you need to space more than 60Mb on your phone to exercise all features. you can also contact developers on for any issue.
You can also participate in hunting competition and if you’re good in shooting, then you can earn more points and reward in these great weekly hunting prices. It is also depending on your speed and moves. If you want to test your speed on the game download Need for Speed No Limits APK and enjoy racing here.
The latest version of the game released with more improvement of performance and bugs fixed. Millions of people around the globe using the game as their first choice.
  • Install the Subway Surfers APK from the link below.
  • Find APK file on your phone or look in File Manager.
  • Launch APK file and follow onscreen option to complete installation and enjoy the game as one of the best in the net world. 
Download Subway Surfers Apk from the link below and enjoy playing the game on your android mobiles and tablets. 

Subway Surfers
480 Installs

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Race Kings APK Latest v1.21.2296 Download for Android Added on Aug 11, 2017

 Jump on the street with your fast car and win the race if you can. This is not a single game to show your command and control on a vehicle, but also the game leads you to make larger destructions on the street where racing is prohibited. Race Kings APK is one of the best android game, which holds millions of users around the globe. To join the world of Race Kings android game, you need to download Race Kings APK file and install on your android mobiles and tablets. The game has come with unlimited features and updates that makes the game popular fortnightly after releasing of its first version. You can enjoy more than limited features after installing the game on your mobile phone.
Before going the install the APK file of Race Kings, let’s pick some important features of the game. You cannot imagine Racing Games without the Race Kings. The real blood related game, which distract the situation and break all the laws and guidelines to make perfect race. The only option that you need to follow is winning. Drawback all your competitors and move forward of the winning point.
One road, two cars and only once can win the race. So be ready to take all possible chance to get to the point. YoDoesn’t matter who comes on your way, you just need to break everything to win the trophy. The trophy is not only a point, trophy make you high scorer and these scores will enable you to get more powers and speeds. These powers will show you real race with highest scores you can manage to get new cars for your racing with more horsepower.
A real-time viewing is also helpful to manage your race. Your racing scores and losing points will appear on screen, which is more effective in racing world. The game is not only about two races with two cars, but there are dozens of events and tournaments available in the game. Whenever you will have won some titles, you will get a chance to enter the games. Lose or win, the tournaments and events give you something, which will back your racing. The winning of the tournament will give you the most exciting prizes and popular points, which you will never expect to gain in the normal way. Race Kings hold titles and trophies in the tournaments and events. 
There are hundreds of world’s largest brand cars available in the game. You can exercise more cars for free, but some of these high horsepower cars are inactive. You need real money to get the high-speed cars in your initial levels. These important cars are in tapped, if you want to untapped these cars, then you need to race more efficiently. Once you will get high scores, then all these cars are yours.
So, the other thing that no one can imagine in the game to win more than normal prices and benefits. Race Kings APK betting feature will helpful to gain more than normal benefits. If you’re confidant on your ability, then bet your race and win more prices. A normal saying that high risk will give you high return. So, bet your confident and win the game. Doesn’t matter what will paid by others. You must choose your own way to get the top position on the leaderboard.
The latest version has been released with more important updates and features. You can exercise more than above features after installing the game on your mobile phones. The latest version also has more reliable for android mobiles and tablets and released with improvement of performance and bugs fixed. 
Download Race Kings APK on android mobiles and enjoy the game. 

Race Kings
19 Installs


Hublaa Liker APK Latest v1.0.6 Download for Android Added on Feb 04, 2017

Hublaa is a free platform providing the auto likes on facebook activities. If you’re using facebook to share your thoughts with your friends, then you must install an auto liker app to get instant likes and comments on such posts that actually needs instant likes to attract user in social media. Hublaa APK is free platform that providing massive real likes on your facebook activities. Its services are not limited. Through the app, you can get likes on your status, photos, and photos within a single click. Download Hublaa Liker APK on your android mobiles phones. The app is compatible for android mobiles and tablets.
Hublaa Liker App getting instant likes on your facebook activities. It is not important to get likes on every activity you’re doing on facebook, but sometime some of these activates actually needs attention of social media. In such cases, it is little big difficult to attract people to like and comment. Therefore, you can use auto liker apps on your mobile phone to get instant likes and comments on your specific activity, so that these likes and comment will attraction user’s attention to open real debate.
Hublaa APK is free to download on android mobiles and tablets. It just needs to follow some steps to get instant likes on your activity. The app needs access token to access the services they are providing free for their users.
Steps to use Hublaa Liker for getting instant likes.
  • Go to your facebook account setting and make your status to the public. If your posts are for target audience, then the app will not properly work on your mobile phone.
  • Let people follow your profile on facebook. Enable your follower option to public. If your post select for friends or friends of friends, then the app will not work properly.
  • Through the app, you can choose the option to generate token. Click Here button will appear on your mobile screen. Click the button and wait for the token generation.
  • First Allow permission to access your profile through facebook and go forward accordingly. 
  • Now click the link of Token Generated button and wait for the process. Once the Token generated, copy the URL (address form the address bar) and past on the area of Hublaa Liker home page and login to access the services.
  • Now access the service and choose your status, photos, and videos to get instant likes on your activity.
All the guidelines available with the Hublaa home page. You can choose better way to get likes on your facebook activities. All the service available for free and there are no hidden charges will deduct from your account. Sometime, in the middle of the process, some advertisement will show on your screen bar. You just need to wait for few second to skip these ads. The developers are taken guarantee that they are providing real platform for likes. The will never spam your account.
Download Hublaa Liker APK on your smartphones and get instant likes on your facebook status, Photos, and videos without wasting money and time. Download and enjoy getting instant likes.
Hublaa Liker
8810 Installs

Modern Sniper APK Latest v1.10 Download for Android Added on Dec 16, 2016

  Don’t miss your chance to take accurate shot on the targets to achieve high price in the game Modern Sniper. The game comes with amazing features in the latest version. It also called as number one game conferring to the game critics and users feed-backs. You can download Modern Sniper APK file through the link below to get access to the game. The APK file is free and perfect to launch on android mobiles and tablets. Get a heartbreaking steps and movements that will make you crazy to shot on the target. Your every correct shot will contribute the best money and gifts. Everything is compatible for android users.
When you search about the android sniper games on the internet, you will find bunch on result on your web browser and it is difficult to find the best game to install on your mobiles. Most of the shooting games are contain different files and difficult to choose the best one, therefore, everyone looking for the best features and game-play to make familiar with the game. Probably, you’re not familiar with the features of Modern Sniper game, if that correct, then let’s pick some of the key features of the game.
The concept of the game is to shoot the gangs in the street and on the roads, where they’re assigned to creating abnormalities in the societies and your work is to target these gangs to maintain law & order situation. Every target has their own reputation and each shot will give you the best points. It also has some limitations.
There are more than 50 small mission available in the game and you need to complete. Every mission will increase your power and points. These points will helpful to get new stuff to take shots in better way. The money you will earn in the game will exchanges to get new rifles on the field. The game needs your attention and focus to complete the mission before it going worst on the field.
There are seven different weapons available in the free version. You can upgrade all these weapons in the game through completing successfully mission or you can also buy these through money to developers. It doesn’t mean that the free version is not good. All the features we are discussing in the post, are free to use on your mobile phones. Either you’re on the street or jungle, there is always hiding position and you can see only targets on your screen.
You have many chances to kill the destructive mobs. If you’re good shooter, and you’re playing shooting gameson your mobile phone, then the single shot will kill the targets. If you’re not familiar with the shooting games, then it takes two to three shots to accomplish the mission. Anyway, you can complete the mission without losing your player’s life. When you will miss the shot on the target, then you must be careful because the opponent will turn back and open fire on your site. Therefore, correct your position and take a best shot.
You can enjoy six different location in the game with small and large scale of missions with seven different world level sniper guns. These locations included in different roads, streets, hotels, and other towns. Each location will give you the best shooting experience. The graphics and interface of the game is attractive and you will never feel any complex situation while playing the game on your mobile phone.
There are also multiple features available in the game. You can enjoy all these features through installing the Modern Sniper APK file on your android mobiles and tablets. We are sharing only APK file, if the file needs any DATA, then you can download DATA from any other external source. Install Modern Sniper APK on your mobile phone and enjoy shooting. 


KKGamer Store APK Latest v1.4.5 Download for Android Added on Sep 27, 2017

  The most interesting thing in android games is to hack the game. It is not just a task, but it will give you immense features to compete the levels and defeated your rivals. The hacking process is not stick only to increase the game performance, but also it is important to hack the premium games through a single tap. Most of users using different best android hacking apps on their smartphones to make enough points and progress to win the game. These apps not reliable to play the premium games on mobile phone because they need premium access to run on your mobile phones. Therefore, mostly users looking for the stores where these premium games are available for free to download. KK Gamer is online android and iPhone hacking games store where you can find thousands of premium games for absolutely free.
KKgamer Store APK providing games where usually not exist in free version. It needs unlimited coins to break the premium features or needs real money to access these features, but both areas difficult to do for a normal player. If you’re extra ordinary gamer, then you can access sometime these features. KKGamer Store APK is one of the most popular and outstanding android game platform where thousands of hack games available. You can join the network through downloading its APK file on your smartphone. The platform founded in 2014 and more than 100 professionals are working for the users. They are searching and cracking the game without taking any burden on it. They are on mainstream way and working 24*7 to make it easy for their users.
KKGamer professionals making the platform very simple. You can download any game with a single click. If you’re an iPhone user, then it is also best for you to download your premium games for free. The games market are not sharing the APK files, but you can also find OBB data as well. You don’t need to search on other platforms for the data. 
The professional staff uploading thousands of games on a daily basis. If you are find your required game, then you can contact with the professionals to upload the same. The staff easily upload the game on their platform fortnightly.
You can also find the Gameloft games for free to download. Gameloft games are the most popular in the world to play on mobile phones. They are sharing only free version on the internet. You need to pay real money to use the premium sources of the games. So, the games are on in KKGamer APK. Thinking to download Clash of Clans or other Premium Games. Everything is available on the market.
If you’re android game lovers and want to take a look in these information, just download KKGamer APK through the link provided below and install the APK file to complete the installation. So, are you ready to take a look? Install the KKGamer Store APK.
The APK file will store in your mobile memory. Locate the APK file and launch to complete the process. The app is free for everyone and you don’t need to pay the money to the developers. Yes, the platform contains ads and they’re not spamming your IP. The platform is secure and millions of people around the globe using on their mobile phones.
The platform using secure connections and data. You don’t need be afraid of what they are doing. You can just go through with a simple click. Download KKGamer APK and enjoy jail-breaking movements.

KKGamer Store
318 Installs


DEER HUNTER 2016 APK Latest v3.0.2 Download for Android Added on Nov 24, 2016

 Deer Hunter 2016 is new exciting game for android mobiles. If you’re interested in hunting and you have not gotten any chance to experience your hunting skills, then download the game on your smart phone to test your hunting skills. After appreciation of Deer Hunter 2014, the developers have released Deer Hunter 2016 with the updated features. You can install and play the game on your smart phones without going any complex process. The game is available in APK package named “Deer Hunter 2016 APK”, which is available for free to download. You can go through the link provided below to download the file on your smart phones.
There are multiple features available in the game. You can exercise all the features on your android mobile. The free version also has the best shooting skills and levels that will help you to take a perfect shot in the jungle and different places of the world. There are also some tapped features in the game that needs your real money to explore. You can pay a little amount to the developers for unfolding these features. You can also unlock some premium features in the game without going to pay real money, to do that, you need to play the gameperfectly on your mobiles phone.
In the game, Deer Hunter 2016, your first purpose is to hunt the deer, you’re seen in the jungle or near at river’s pot. This is not a single animal you will see in the line, but there are many other animals seen in the line. You need to focus on animals to kill, when they tried to jump over your mobile screen. You need to make yourself comfortable before taking shot on the animal. After getting perfect position, you can kill the deer and win the trophies that are included with golds and cash prices.
The initial levels are easy to kill the animals, but after getting success and reaching the new level, you will be facing some challenges to hunt these animals. You need to be more active before going to take a shot on them. You have a limited time to take a shot on deer. Make your perfect move to kill the animal before it will jump on your mobile screen. If you will fail to take down the animal, then you will face a large mess. So, the best choice you have is to take down the animals before they will jump on your mobile screen.
You can find different guns in the game, some of these guns are locked. You can unlock these guns after winning the prices and golds. The perfect shot will be considering, if you take a shot on head, heart, lungs, and other target area. Some guns will show these parts after focusing on the animal. These perfect shots will give you the best price and numbers.
Take down the animals on the game Deer Hunter 2016 APK before they will be caught you. You’re not free to kill, if animal will see you, then they are also try to kill you. So, get the best shot and kill the animal before they will jump The information will show on your screen about the guns and their range. If you’re taking long range fire, then you must select the gun as per the range to take a best shot on animals.
Deer Hunter 2016 APK is free to play on android mobiles without paying any money to the developers. In this article, we’re sharing only APK file of the game. If the game needs any OBB Data, then you can install the data from external source through searching on the internet. Download Deer Hunter 2016 APK and enjoy playing on your android phones. 

LEGO® NEXO KNIGHTS™:MERLOK 2.0 APK Latest v1.4.4 Download for Android Added on Feb 04, 2017

  The evils and invader near your city to attack your city. You help them knights to get back their city from monsters and invader. There is only chance to defeat them, no other way to get back to your home. Therefore, you need to fight with your enemies. The Monstrox are attacking with his storm’s army that are in searching of a hidden power. These hidden powers will be raising the army of darkness. Before this will happens, you need to manage your army and be ready to defeat them. The game comes from the developers of LEGO. Lego is an entertainer company working for the kids and different product. They came to developed games for children in 1997 and onward they establish a growing name on the internet world. LEGO® NEXO KNIGHTS™:MERLOK 2.0 is the latest game, which hold millions of people around the globe. The game is now growing and popular among the children and best for adult.
The kingdom is on danger, the best to save only when you prepare your knights heroes with arsenal heroes and some important weapons. Merlock 2.0 is a hero that is stand at the wall of kingdom. You need to play well to equip with multiple weapons and powers. There are five brave powers that will increase knights fighting capacity.
Jestro and his army of lawa knights are the main reason of the fight. The Jestro is night monster creating the knights to invade all the heroes, they are fighting against them. Once your hero will go on the battlefield, these monsters coming from the different place to attack on the hero. A light will show the way that where you need to stay and fight. Once you will stand at the light, the monster will come across the area and you need to smash them all through your powers. If you will play well, then you can get different foods, coins, and other monster powers.
A hidden place is also there to advice you according your needs. These characters from the hidden place will contact you on battlefield. Once your first character will get the best points, then the hidden place send other knights to fights together. Once you have the army of knights, then you can win the stages and missions.
Mission to mission and fight to fight, you need to take control of the battle fortress on the field. Your best moves will help you to conquer the towers and you can use these towers as your defensive strategy. The hidden will also help you to make a best defensive. There are different types of monster holding the way of fight. Some or very small and fast and some of them are heavy and big to fight.
Use NEXO scan to get your products and rewards. Scan will identify the boxes and other material either they are beneficial for you or they are monsters hiding in these areas. After scanning you can pick the reward. Be careful, there are monsters everywhere.
You can only beat the enemies in the game through maximizing your NEXO Combo power. You can also design according to your choice and take the world from the invaders before they take yours. They are also trying to awaken the hidden force from the darkness. In many times, in different stages, you will be fighting with these darkness monsters. 
You can upgrade your knights power through paying real money or by earning enough coins. You can also exercise unlimited features in the game. All you need to do is, Download LEGO® NEXO KNIGHTS™: MERLOK 2.0 APK through the provided link below and launch on your android mobile phone. The link hold only APK file and no OBB data available. You just need to follow onscreen option to complete installation process. After completion of installation, launch the game and enjoy the adventure and action on your android mobiles and tablet. The LEGO® NEXO KNIGHTS™: MERLOK 2.0 APK file is compatible for android mobiles and tablets. Install on your smartphones and enjoy. 


4G Liker (FB) APK Latest v22.0.4 Download for Android Added on Feb 12, 2017

  Get 350+ likes in a single submit. 4 liker is spam free auto liker providing auto likes on Facebook statuses, pictures, and videos. If your statuses, photos, and videos not making any supportive marks on the internet, then you can use app to get instant likes and comments without spamming your account. There are multiple likers available on the internet, most of them trusted by the millions of users around the globe. 4G liker is one the trusted apps, which is providing multiple likes in a single submit.
Each liker has some important features and steps that needs to follow for getting instant likes without breaching any contract with the developers. These apps have certain policies, which are best guide for the users. In this post, we will explain some these key features and steps to know about the app before installing on smartphones.
  • 4G liker is spam free app that provides more than 350+ likes in each submission.
  • You can use your photos, statuses, and videos to get instant likes. You can also use your album to get like.
  • All the likes are real and the website fetching through their million users around the globe.
  • After fifteen minutes, you can resubmit the activity to get more likes.
  • The services are not limited to the likes, but you can get unlimited comments, page likes and increase fan following.
You need to follow some steps to use these features on your Facebook activities. You can go through the steps below to make the app work perfectly.
  • You need to select audience to the public through your Facebook account.
  • Enable fan following and allow people to follow your profile on Facebook.
  • If your status is posted for selected audience, then the app will not work properly. Make sure that all your statuses, photos, and videos are visible to the public.
  • Therefore, go to your Facebook account setting and make all post to the public.
After installing the app, the service needs some steps to get access to the app services.  You need to follow the step 1 and click the link to generate token. You need to copy the URL of the next tap and paste on the area of “Submit Token Here” and login to access the services.
The app needs your Facebook account to access your profile. Just follow the link steps to make the app works. 4G liker app will never publish your personal information on the in internet without your permission.
You can also explore more features through installing 4G liker APK for the link below. After installing the APK files, follow onscreen steps to complete the process. 4G Liker APK is free to user on the internet. Download 4G Liker APK and enjoy getting free likes.

4G Liker (FB)
23413 Installs

Roy Karunia Mod Menu

Roy Karunia Mod Menu is not an official mobile game. It likely refers to a modded tool or third-party modification for a specific game, prov...